The evening bringing together the musicians at the theater raised approximately €16,000.
“My life stopped somewhere after February 24. I live with what is happening, I receive terrible testimonies. These days, crimes like this should not exist”. The words of pianist Dimitri Naïditch recall the horror experienced by Ukraine, in the name of which the artists were gathered this Saturday at the Bernadette-Lafont theater.
Around 600 people answered the call, raising €16,000 for the benefit of the Red Cross. “There are special circumstances that require an extraordinary testimony of solidarity. What the Ukrainian people are going through could not leave us indifferent”explains Sophie Roulle, culture assistant.
More than two hours of show
For more than two hours, in an atmosphere of frank generosity, the musicians followed one another. Make way for the classics first, notably Cédric Tiberghien with a feverish score by Debussy, the Jatekok duo with a furious Dance of Death or Valérie-Anne Debize with a hymn to freedom taken from Rinaldo of Handel.
After a six-handed improvisation around Duke by Dimitri Naïditch, Raphaël Lemonnier and Stéphane Kochoyan, the show took on a more festive look, with the artists inviting each other for moments of sharing. Throughout the evening, here is the mist in the voice of Eliene Castillo, the charm of Roé, the poetic sweetness of Monsieur Parallèle, the nostalgic class of Pepe Martinez…
And the energy of Faustine whose song The Promise Life was written several years ago to discuss the plight of migrants “who cross the sea to hope for a better life. Tonight alas, she recalls, we have come together because once again it is terribly topical.”