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Vladimir Putin calls himself a victim of “cancel culture” and compares himself to JK Rowling… who answers him


Vladimir Putin has referenced the famous author of the Harry Potter saga to describe the treatment Russia has received from Westerners since the country invaded Ukraine. A comparison that did not please JK Rowling much.

“Today they are trying to ‘cancel’ a whole 1000-year-old country, our people. I am talking about the growing discrimination towards anything related to Russia, this trend in many Western countries,” Vladimir said. Putin in an address broadcast on Sky news on March 25.

“It’s impossible to imagine such a thing in our country”

President Vladimir Putin uses JK Rowling as an example of Western cynicism and “cancel culture”, which he says is currently being aimed at Russia.

Latest on Ukraine: https://t.co/XTFXr6HmAe

\ud83d\udcfa Sky 501 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/TyH9lddC5k

—Sky News (@SkyNews) March 25, 2022

In addition to a reference to the Nazis, who were responsible for having canceled an entire culture, in particular by burning books, Vladimir Putin also launched into a comparison involving JK Rowling, the famous author of Harry Potter.

Gender controversies

“JK Rowling was recently ‘cancelled’ because she does not please fans of freedom around the genre,” he said, reports AFP, quoted by several media.

A comparison, which refers to the various controversies with which the writer has been associated, after positions defending in particular the biological sex. A school in his name had even been renamed in England after his comments on trans people. She had been accused of reducing the female gender to the sole fact of having periods in a tweet, explained in particular the Parisian at the beginning of January.

Unwelcome comparison

Except that the comparison in Putin’s mouth between the treatment reserved for Russia and that reserved for the creator of Harry Potter is not at all to the taste of JK Rowling, who did not hesitate to respond on Twitter .

She writes on her account that criticizing Western culture is unwelcome from those who “massacre civilians because they resist or imprison and poison their opponents”, adding to her tweet a photo of Russian opponent Alexei Navalny illustrating a BBC article about his recent incarceration.