Home LAST NEWS “Swollen” face, “erratic” behavior, is Putin going mad because of medical treatment?

“Swollen” face, “erratic” behavior, is Putin going mad because of medical treatment?


The Russian offensive launched by Vladimir Putin on Ukraine is an act described by many experts as “madness”. A situation that supports a rumor that the head of the Kremlin would no longer be in control of his mind because of medical treatment.

Since the launch of the war in Ukraine, the attitude of Vladimir Putin has been particularly scrutinized. A question comes up: has the Russian head of state, in recent months, slowly but surely descended into madness ?

Is his choice to invade Ukraine part of a plan devised for years by a “sensible” man? Opinions are divided, but the impressions left by Putin on certain foreign leaders (Macron, Merkel, etc.), accompanied by persistent rumors about his conditiondo not leave indifferent.

Steroid treatment?

Latest hypothesis to date: according to Western spies, Vladimir Putin, 69, could be compelled to treatment steroids to treat cancer. “Swollen” face, “increasingly erratic” behavior, exacerbated social distancing, support the rumor. As reported by the DailyMail, the Russian president would be the victim of a brain disorder caused by dementia, Parkinson’s disease or “roid rage” resulting from a potential treatment.

The world still has in mind these images of the Russian leader at the other end of a table of several meters facing Emmanuel Macron when he came in February, or standing exaggeratedly apart from his closest collaborators during of a meeting on February 28.

Precautionary measures against the Covid taken to the extreme? Possible, according to Carole Grimaud Potter, geopolitical scientist specializing in Russia: “The rumors about the state of health of Vladimir Putin are not new, but his extreme fear of the Covid is no longer to be proven either. And nothing fate, of course, coming from Russia, on his true state of health, which could justify such caution. It is paranoia.”

“He was constantly changing his face”

Vladimir Fedorovski, who will publish Putin and Ukraine, the Hidden Faces on Monday, has known Vladimir Putin since the beginning of the 90s. he had said. That is to say, to flush out and fire a whole population of corrupt solicitors, schemers and bribe carriers who were trying to approach “.

The ex-diplomat remembers: “He was very unobtrusive when I met him. The key to his career was first to disguise himself as a yes-man. But I quickly understood that in intelligence professional, he hid his strength and constantly changed his face according to the interlocutor. I had also noticed that he slightly copied my gestures. Later, Chirac confided to me that he had noticed it too, concerning him. He had laughed a lot when I explained to him the reason: it was a technique of “pseudo-mimicry” taught in the secret services in order to put the interlocutor at ease. They say that President Zelinsky is an actor , but in the case, Putin is the extraordinary comedian.”

A single president, cut off from everyone

Like many other details of his daily life: the employment of a taster, his refusal to acquire a smartphone (he said so in 2018). The viral sequence during which he humiliates his director of foreign intelligence contributes, with all these elements, to anchoring the image of an isolated president, alone in his palace, cut off from the world.

Memories of the Arab Spring and images of the remains of the overthrown President Gaddafi haunt the resident of the Kremlin, convinced that the West and the United States have wanted to bring down the Russian regime for years. This Wednesday, March 16, he again reiterated his mistrust of the West.

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the West would fail in what he called attempt at world domination and dismemberment of Russia. If the West, which has imposed heavy sanctions on Moscow, thinks that Russia will back down, it is because it does not understand Russia, said Vladimir Putin on the 21st day of the Russian military offensive in Ukraine. “Behind the hypocritical words and actions taken today by the so-called collective West are hostile geopolitical goals. They just don’t want a strong, sovereign Russia,” he said.

“Withdrawn, paranoid and unpredictable”

“The threat can also come from within according to Putin”, supports Carole Grimaud Potter. What isolate it even more. “It’s someone from withdrawn, paranoid, unpredictablebut more than madness, I would speak of irrationality“, explains Segueï Jirnov, former KGB spywho dismisses the image of a fine strategist that others would like him to embody: “What he is driving is a matter of suicide. I heard that Putin was a great chess player. That’s not true.”

For Carole Grimaud Potter, her strategy is nevertheless based on a certain logic: “His attack may have seemed quite sudden, even for the Russian intelligentsia, but it is consistent with his vision of geopolitics, which includes this recuperation of influence which would, in a way, restore Russia’s influence. At least, that’s how he hears it. It must be remembered that Russia has never radiated otherwise than in an imperialist way”. The hypothesis of a medical madness would then be ruled out. There remains the war madness, which is very real.