In China, the health situation is worrying with the resumption of the Covid-19 epidemic and the discovery of a new sub-variant of Omicron. Very strict health measures have been put in place. And we do not laugh with the rules: those who do not respect them expose themselves to sanctions. On social networks, the video of a man having his head shaved for escaping from a quarantine center is causing a stir.
The image made the rounds on social media. We see a resident of a village in the province of Shandong, in central eastern China, struggling in vain with two officials who shave his head to punish him for having tried to escape from a center. quarantine.
网 曝 菏泽 居民 私自 外出 被 志愿者 剃头. 近日, 山东 菏泽, 网友 爆料 鄄城县 凤凰 镇 志愿者 抓住 一名 疫情 期间 私自 外出 的 居民, 并 拿着 推子 给 他 剃头. 视频 显示, 剃头 者一边剃头一边说:谁让你出去的,看你还出不出去……
— 陈秋实 Chen Qiushi (@chenqiushi404) April 5, 2022
On this video posted on Chinese social networks and relayed by our colleagues from France Info, we recognize the official red armband of a member of a village neighborhood committee. On the ground, the fugitive struggles but can do nothing against this punitive expedition. Shocking, the image triggered the anger of several internet users.“It gives a taste of cultural revolution“, protests in particular one of them, referring to the persecutions of the 1970s in China.
An investigation opened by the local government
What push the local government to react. After assuring that these acts had not been committed by civil servants, he decided to open an investigation to determine the responsibilities of this kind of excesses linked to the health situation and which are more and more difficult to pass to Chinese people.