DArmed men are gathered in front of the gates of the military cemetery in the center of kyiv. Two soldiers are buried there, victims of Russian artillery fire while accompanying a group of journalists by car to an advanced position. The double funerals took place last Saturday, for one in the morning, for the other in the afternoon. Serhiy Mashovets was driving the car towards Horenka, northwest of kyiv, when the bomb, chance or aimed shot, struck them down. He died instantly, aged 32, leaving a pregnant wife and son, both refugees in Italy since the start of the conflict. Serhiy’s parents, aunts and uncles, as well as some childhood friends, keep together a little away from the military. When the coffin arrives, they stand behind…
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Lafargue Raphael/ABACA FOR “THE POINT” (x3) – Sputnik via AFP