Home LAST NEWS Horizon Forbidden West: the soundtrack can be tasted very soon, the details

Horizon Forbidden West: the soundtrack can be tasted very soon, the details


Game News Horizon Forbidden West: the soundtrack can be tasted very soon, the details

The least we can say is that the music offered in Horizon Forbidden West is particularly elaborate. The good news is that it will be possible to listen to them separately very soon, starting tomorrow.

Horizon in your ears

Released last Friday, we can say without difficulty that Horizon Forbidden West is a small nugget, among the best of the year and undoubtedly of the generation. It’s very simple, Guerrilla Games has done an exceptional job, offering a gigantic and fascinating open world, with a convoluted scenario and grandiose immersion. : no doubt our test should guide you a bit.

If the universe of the PlayStation game is so successful, it is partly thanks to its splendid soundtrack: the Dutch have not been idle to constitute a OST with small onions, and this from the main menu. Sony is obviously well aware of this and in order to reach all audiences, the firm announces that the studio has teamed up with Sony Music to distribute the soundtrack on all streaming platforms tomorrow, Friday February 25, 2022.

Or at least, the first part, since the next two will land on March 11 and 25. This initial volume will include the iconic theme of Aloy, reinterpreted for Horizon Forbidden West by Julie Elven, as well as the song In the Floo (deployed in the opening credits), interpreted by Ariana Gills.

Meeting with the musical team

This good news is also accompanied by two making-ofs entirely centered on the OST and those who made it. Two large developer notebooks that can be found below (unfortunately, no French subtitles are offered), particularly long and plunging Internet users behind the musical scenes of the video game hit.

Inevitably, we can see the whole main cast there: ”’the musical supervisor of Guerrilla Lucas van Tol, Joris de Man, Niels van der Leest, Oleksa Lozowchuk and the duo of composers from The Flight then return to the initial ideas to build the soundtrack of Horizon Forbidden West”’, as well as a focus on that of the first part, Horizon Zero Dawn.

We remind you that the title is already available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.


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