In solidarity with Ukraine, the multicultural hall of Bagnols hosted a show on Sunday April 3, the proceeds of which will be donated to the Red Cross.
The municipality relied on the festival committee for the collection and reversion of donations, and on the cultural actions service, which brought together many local artists. “We had to select because if we had accepted all the generous offers, the show would have lasted 15 hours “says Laurent Girardy-Ricci, the head of the cultural actions department.
It was with palpable emotion that the mayor, Jean-Yves Chapelet, was the first on stage to present the town’s medal to Adrian Kovalenko, a young man from Bagnole of Ukrainian origin, who presented the show.
The 300 spectators thus attended a very eclectic performance, interspersed with sketches by actor Nicolas Maury and the reading of letters from children of CM2 intended for Vladimir Poutine: music with Caroline Khachaturian on the grand piano and Serge Fabre on the cello accompanied by the poet Catherine Ricard; dance with the students of Patrick Fargier, LNB Studio, rock with the group Hard Stuff.
Audiences will remember Adrian’s strong words and call for peace: “The Russian people will remain the greatest friend of the Ukrainian people “. More than €3,000 will thus be donated to the Red Cross.