Home TECHNOLOGY VIDEO GAMES Elden Ring: we finally know the truth about the mysterious songs of...

Elden Ring: we finally know the truth about the mysterious songs of the game and the boss fights!


Game News Elden Ring: we finally know the truth about the mysterious songs of the game and the boss fights!

For those who succumbed to the charm of the latest production from the FromSoftware studio, your journey through the lands of the Entre-Terre must have piqued your curiosity more than once. As cryptic as it is fascinating, the world of Elden Ring sometimes hides its secrets well. However, one of them, namely the meaning of ancient songs that can occasionally be heard when straining your ears in the game, has been uncovered!

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FromSoftware used Latin, but not only!

Since the first games from the Japanese studio, we have always found this thick layer of mysteries that coated the very heart of the titles produced. We are a few days away from starting the fifth month of marketing the heir to the Dark Souls and, even though the mystery is no longer really complete, there are still gray areas. These are, indeed, stubborn but they disappear little by little, like the enigmatic songs that we can hear during our quest within the Entre-Terre.

Elden Ring: we finally know the truth about the mysterious songs of the game and the boss fights!Elden Ring: we finally know the truth about the mysterious songs of the game and the boss fights!

This is not the first time since the release of the game that this detail intrigues the players who have paid attention to it. A handful of brave — we do not specifically refer to the challenge offered by the software from FromSoftware —, have, for example, used their knowledge of Latin to transcribe the hymns sung by the harpies encountered during the adventure. They have thus highlighted the tragic aspect of these songs, allowing us to savor the lore of the game all the more.

The Elden Ring artifices have been spotted

Nevertheless, this astonishing discovery is not as much as today’s since all the songs that are supposed to make us think of an ancient language… just don’t make sense and are absolutely not inspired by Latin ! This funny little deception resulting from the development of the game was revealed by Reddit user “Magister Organi”. This Latin student admittedly identified the siren song as being Latin some time ago, but it is the only song that uses this language.

By contacting various people involved in the soundtrack of the game, the user was confirmed that most of the lyrics heard are just gibberish and are the result of a computer generated process before being adjusted so that they can make us think of an ancient language : this is particularly the case of the music that can be heard during the fight against Mohg, the Lord of Blood, of which you have an audio extract above.

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