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Álvarez-Pallete at MWC: “Open Gateway will allow us to create the digital future together”.


Telefónica’s Chairman, José María Álvarez-Palletebelieves that GSMA Open Gatewaythe global industry initiative announced this morning by the GSMA, “brings together telcos, industry, technology giants and developers to create the digital future together,” he said during his keynote address at the opening session of the Mobile World Congress (MWC).

In it he emphasized that the new digital era the world is witnessing “is going to require a radical evolution and an platform that offers simplicity over the complexity of today’s business.“. GSMA Open Gateway will enable the sharing and federation of open and standardized APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to provide interoperable access to operators’ networks for developers and hyperscalers.

“This project will create a new world of opportunities for the industry.. It will be a catalyst for all these advanced services to realize their potential and reach critical mass. And it will generate choice and bring value to consumers,” stressed Telefónica’s chairman.

He further added that “this is the ambition of GSMA Open Gateway. To establish a common layer to expose the capabilities of the network. Transforming the entire ecosystem for the benefit of all.”

Telefónica’s CEO specified that GSMA Open Gateway begins its journey under the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). signed by 20 companies, with the capacity to reach 3.8 billion people and eight standardized APIs under the umbrella of CAMARA, an industry initiative launched at MWC 2022 precisely for the development of the APIs needed to be able to launch GSMA Open Gateway now.

“This is just the beginning, but it is rapidly gaining speed,” added Álvarez-Pallete. During his speech, the chairman of Telefónica and the GSMA placed the launch of this project at the heart of the GSMA Open Gateway project. within the “tsunami of innovation” that is giving rise to a new era. arising from the accumulation of disruptive technologies that are acting as catalysts of this new paradigm.