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Diablo Immortal, battle score: how is it calculated and how does it work?


news tip Diablo Immortal, battle score: how is it calculated and how does it work?

While playing Diablo Immortal, you’ve certainly seen people showing off their combat score (or CR in-game) when they were looking for a group for an instance. But basically, what is this score really for and above all, how is it calculated? This is what we will see in detail in this article.

The first thing we will see together is how to find your combat score if you ever don’t know where it is. To do this, go to your equipment, then click on the small character at the bottom of the screen to access your statistics.

Then click on “more attributes” and you will have your combat score in the first line. Now that we know how to access it, let’s see together what this combat score corresponds to and you will see that it is not complicated at all.

Indeed, it is simply an aggregate of your various statistics in force, intelligence, determination, vitality and will. That goes then come to add the bonuses which are offered by the legendary gems as well as the infernal reliquary.

Diablo Immortal, battle score: how is it calculated and how does it work?

What is the combat score used for?

One could then be tempted to say that this combat score is a simple indicator; indeed, by arriving in front of certain instances, you are given a minimum combat score to be able to pass the level without too much difficulty.

We could then say to ourselves that even if we don’t quite have this level of combat score, it’s not too serious. In effect, if you play, well you often manage to beat bosses below the minimum recommended level in other games.

The problem is that in Diablo: Immortal, the combat score is not only there to advise you whether or not a dungeon is. Indeed, if you ever embark on a PVE instance with a lower CR than recommendedyou’ll take even more damage and deal less.

If for the damage inflicted, the calculation is complex, know that for each point of missing CR, you will take 1% more damage. Another mechanism that may make people cringe, because it clearly grows at the checkout and the bill is generally salty.

Diablo Immortal, battle score: how is it calculated and how does it work?