His story sparked outrage among netizens and locals.
The “zero Covid” policy has struck again. On Wednesday May 4, a Chinese Internet user revealed several pictures that reveal the living conditions of a homeless woman, forced to live in a telephone booth in Shanghai.
The woman, in her 50s, is an immigrant worker, according to Vice. She had to live almost a monthwith his dog in this small space.
From his balcony, a resident of the building opposite was able to observe the daily life of this woman. She rarely went out, and around the cabin, to walk your dog and air your duvet.
She was dislodged on April 29
According to the American media, the police came to dislodge this immigrant worker on April 29, sealing her only refuge with adhesive tape so that she could no longer access it.
According to several residents, a solidarity network would have been set up to help him, including having food delivered. However, she reportedly refused a housing offer from the authorities. The woman would now be safe with her dog.
As a reminder, more than 26 million people have been confined since April 1 in this city.