news tip Pokéclicker: become an expert on berries, the farm and mutations!
One of the most important mechanics of Pokéclicker is farming and growing berries. The problem is that this very complex mechanic is often a bit complicated for players to master. So, in this article, we will tell you everything there is to know at this level to become unbeatable.
The first thing you’re going to want to do is simply expand your land a bit and it’s not that hard to do that. Look in the boxes around that are grayed out and you will be given an indication of the number of berries, as well as the amount of Farm points that must be spent to unlock the space.
Once that’s done, all you have to do is grow another type of berry and start over. When you get to berries that don’t appear other than grayed out, it’s that you haven’t discovered this type yet and that you will therefore have to go through mutations.
Otherwise, you’ll just have to be lucky and hope find it on a Pokémon for generation 1 berries or in dungeon chestsalthough the chances of getting your hands on it, they are also not extremely high.
If you want to be sure to have the berry you need, the best thing to do is to mutate and for that the principle is simple on paper, it is to put several types of bay side by sidee, which will then have the effect of creating a new one, hybridization of these berries present. When asked about berry tastes, simply check which berry is being talked about via your Berrydex.
As you can imagine, this is still a little more complicated on paper and above all, it takes up space, which is why, we advise you to unlock as quickly as possible a maximum of land to be able to start making these mutations.
From there, we let you discover all the mutations currently available while keeping in mind that there is a chance that it will work. So don’t be surprised if it takes several attempts to finally achieve your goals.
Generation 2 arrays
Generation 3 arrays
Generation 4 arrays
Generation 5 arrays
What are berries used for?
Now that you know all about growing berries, you might be tempted to ask what can they be used for? Well, their uses are multiple. First of all, you will be able to exchange them for Pokéballs for example by going to a Berry Master and taking advantage of one of his deals.
You will also simply be able to use your Farm points as currency. They are very useful in the early game so you can easily get your hands on Master Balls whose price in other currencies is quite high.
Finally, you will also be able to use some of these berries to have passive effects. In effect, for example, they can attract special Pokémon to your garden and then you will have a chance to capture them passively. You can also use these berries for the Safari Park either to lower the escape rate or to increase the chances of catching Pokémon.
Summary of the complete Pokéclicker guide