The Occitanie Region has joined forces with twelve departments, the Agglo de Montpellier and associations to fill sixteen trucks, which left for Poland on Saturday.
As part of a collective mobilization in favor of the Ukrainian people and in the face of a humanitarian situation which is getting worse day by day, the Occitanie Region is chartering this Saturday, March 12, a humanitarian convoy bound for Poland. With the exception of Aveyron, all the departments of the region collaborated in this major collection, as well as the City and Metropolis of Montpellier, several associations and companies.
Composed of sixteen trucks, the humanitarian convoy left Toulouse this Saturday morning and made a detour via Montpellier before heading for Poland. Present at the start of the convoy, Carole Delga reminds “the need to coordinate with the departments both for collecting donations and for welcoming refugees when they arrive in our territories.”
High school students in bac pro to drive some trucks
For fifteen days, the Region has therefore set up a toll-free number (1) for residents who wish to host or know the needs in terms of donations. Between the departments and the regional houses, 1,200 boxes, 372 cubic meters, were collected and “placed in a very operational way to help these populations with the support of associations that are used to humanitarian aid.”welcomes the president of the Occitanie Region, happy to also see the youth mobilize like these high school students from Toulouse and Lézignan, in professional baccalaureate of road driver, who participate in the convoy “to make it both a moment of citizenship and professional experience.”
€300,000 additional aid voted at the next meeting
If the reception of refugees remains the responsibility of the departments and municipalities, the President of the Region promises to help the municipalities: “You have to know how to work in a pack, collectively, that’s my method. The role of the mayors is remarkable and the state must give delegations so as not to force the refugees to travel 400 km to register.”
The Region is contributing a fund of one million euros to help migrants and will top it up with 300,000 euros, voted at the next assembly “to support the populations on site and the refugees”. As President of the Regions of France, Carole Delga also took part in a meeting with Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of Foreign Affairs, about the coordination of humanitarian aid.