Sn some small Scottish islands, the inhabitants are used to mobilizing to preserve their environment and seize its riches. A few years ago, in 2018, the Isle of Ulva in the north of Scotland was bought by its last five inhabitants who pledged to bring it back to life. For 5 million euros, they were able to buy back their island by taking advantage of a law granting local communities a right of pre-emption.
Now, a pandemic later, the island of Ulva and multiple surrounding islands are joining forces. During the confinement, already, a resident created a platform used by 360 companies to allow them to sell their production despite the absence of outside visitors.
Recover income from tourism
Today, as the Guardian explains, they have created a new platform to compete with Airbnb so that tourism revenues flow to local players.
Rhoda Meek, at the origin of the operation explains that the number of affordable housing was in free fall for the inhabitants of the islands in favor of the proliferation of short-term rentals. Thanks to this platform, the income generated by tourist rentals can be reinvested in small businesses and real estate projects. East of Tiree Island, for example, she estimates that 40% of homes are vacant in winter. According to Guardian, parts of Britain have a high rate of accommodation available on Airbnb, nearly one in four properties.