Home LAST NEWS News inside jeuxvideo.com LaPetitePelle dessine HelloSolar.info – N ° 409

News inside jeuxvideo.com LaPetitePelle dessine HelloSolar.info – N ° 409


News inside jeuxvideo.com LaPetitePelle draws HelloSolar.info – N ° 409

It’s Sunday and once again, it’s time for your weekly meeting with LaPetitePelle! Each week, our illustrator draws the video game news for you. Today, he is back with a plank on a process well known to developers.

How many times have we had the following reflection in front of a game: “I fought the same boss before, but he had a different color”. This method called “color swap” has frustrated more than one player who expected a little more originality. Some developers unfortunately do not hesitate to use it in their productions. But in the world of video games, they are far from being the only ones to use such a process …

LaPetitePelle draws JV - N ° 409