Game news Uncharted: What is the best video game in the saga developed by Naughty Dog?
The Uncharted series hits theaters on February 16, 2022.’s editorial staff takes the opportunity to explore the franchise, and tries to answer a tricky question. What is the best video game in the saga initiated by Naughty Dog studios?
Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
is the first episode of a series that will later become cult. The title was quickly emancipated from the incessant comparisons made with Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones. Without ever hiding the said inspirations, the new Naughty Dog license was able, at the time, to offer an exhilarating gaming experience, but although too short. Despite a somewhat fast story, we appreciate the sets and really put our finger on the contemplative dimension that video games can offer, between two highly epic action scenes.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
2 years after the first episode, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves was able to upset the players on Playstation 3. A true work of cinematic fun, the title manages to move people with its revolutionary graphics. The game can boast of accomplishing a tour de force by being a major argument for the purchase of the Sony console. In addition, a new breath is given to the protagonist Nathan Drake. His personality is best illustrated in this episode and we really feel the hardships he is going through. Despite a lifespan of 10 hours, Uncharted 2 has given rise to vocations, that of adventurer, and amazed players around the world.
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Illusion
The third episode follows the path taken by its predecessors and tries to perfect the formula with the ultimate objective of enriching the Uncharted universe. This time the focus is on the gameplay. Platform phases, gunfights and puzzles alternate offering an exhilarating gaming experience. Uncharted 3: Drake’s Illusion stands out from the old episodes by its work on hand-to-hand combat and its animations. The only fly in the ointment remains its story, which is deemed too short and which focuses in particular on the past of Sir Francis Drake. An aspect quickly forgotten when one appreciates the soundtrack, the decorations of an extreme smoothness and the sequences passed to the posterity which the opus proposes to us.
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Uncharted: Golden Abyss notes the arrival of the adventures of Nathan Drake on the PlayStation Vita. The game does a great job of utilizing the unique features that Sony’s handheld console offers. The tactile and gyroscopic functionalities are subtly exploited so as not to relegate them to the rank of gadgets. Despite this, the game suffers from a scenario that is slow to set up and a somewhat short lifespan. The game retains the formula that made the glory of the series, between settings conducive to contemplation and epic action scenes. This episode also allows us to awaken the explorer soul that lies dormant in each of us, pushing us inexorably to discover the rest of the license.
Uncharted: Fight for Fortune
After five years, the already cult Uncharted saga has three numbered episodes and a prequel. In 2012, it was then time for her to receive, with little success, her first spin off. Uncharted: Fight for Fortune is a card game based on the universe of Nathan Drake with the possibility of playing online. Despite respecting the world portrayed by the main episodes of the series and interesting gameplay mechanics, the game suffers from significant flaws. The first is a lack of AI difficulty. The duels are not complicated enough to become monotonous. The online mode could have made up for this lack of challenge, but the latter was completely deserted by players shortly after the release.
Uncharted: Fortune Hunter
Uncharted: Fortune Hunter
is a mobile game created to accompany the release of Uncharted 4. It is a very good marketing tool allowing you to obtain some bonuses for the online version of the 4th main opus, but also a very pleasant mobile game. The latter, although somewhat repetitive, contains 200 puzzles and a good quality finish. It is a title well suited to the mobile format but which, with regret, sometimes poorly illustrates the richness of the universe set up by the main episodes of the series. This smartphone game remains a good way to extend the experience beyond a certain A Thief’s End which will see the light of day 5 days later on Playstation 4.
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
is the sublime result born from the know-how of Naughty Dog. The universe is more beautiful than ever. The staging is impeccable and the game can boast of having a mastered scenario at your fingertips as well as a gameplay balanced between gunfights and puzzles. the studios even add undercover to the formula. The unresponsive AI and some remote-controlled jumps are just a flash in the pan for this action-adventure game which perfectly integrates its novelties and which offers an exemplary end. Uncharted 4, between best-of of the saga and new episode, proves the experience and total mastery of Naughty Dog.
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
One after Uncharted 4, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy presents itself as a stand alone of the latter. The Lost Legacy features Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross, hitherto secondary characters in the series. The episode suffers from the same issues as Uncharted 4, but also a feeling of deja vu for the action scenes. Thus, the title appears to some much more like a best-of than a real episode. Despite this feedback and some under-exploited gameplay elements, the game offers a real freedom of approach both during the exploration phases and for those of combat. Finally, its biggest strong point turns out to be the Chloe / Nadine relationship as well as the origins, finally revealed, of these two characters.
The best Uncharted games are no big surprise Uncharted 2: Among Thieves as well as Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. With a score of 19/20, these are games that have marked the history of Playstation consoles and video games in general. The mythical saga of Nathan Drake, composed of 7 opuses, did not obtain a note below 16 for its 4 canonical episodes. When we do the ranking, episodes 2 and 4 come tied for first place. They are closely followed by Uncharted 3: The Illusion of Drake, and the podium is completed by the first installment in the series, Drake’s Fortune, with which we discovered Nathan Drake almost 15 years ago. What future for the saga in 2022? The Uncharted movie arrives by February 16 on the big screen while rumors suggest that a fifth main episode would be on the agenda on the side of Naught Dog studios.